We've touched on R520 information just recently, but it seems as though there is a lot more going on at ATI with regard to the X800 series (R480). We just got word that there will be another X800, dubbed the X800GTO. There will be two main varients, each with different memory and clock speed; but all GTO cards will use excess R480 Pro, R430 Pro or R423 Pro chips. In essence, one GTO might have a R480 Pro core, the next might have an R430 Pro. This is highly dependent on the manufacturer. Here's what we know

X800GTO 256MB Base configuration

  • Core: 400MHz
  • Memory: 490MHz
  • Pipes: 12
  • Memory: 256-bit 256MB GDDR3

X800GTO 128MB Base configuration

  • Core: 400MHz
  • Memory: 350MHz
  • Pipes: 12
  • Memory: 256-bit 128MB DDR1

Keep in mind that any of these configurations can use any R480 Pro, R430 Pro or R423 Pro chip (although availability on the R480 Pro is limitted to manufacturers). Our roadmap information also claims that there will be AGP versions of this card available in the near future. ATI already has reference designs of the 256MB chip running on 500MHz GDDR3 based on R430 Pro on both AGP and PCIe with the Rialto bridge.


Our sources claim performance should be right between a X800GT and an X800XL; and the price will reflect this as well. Since ATI is being very liberal with the cores on a per manufacturer basis, performance and pricing and highly speculative at this point. We expect to see the new cards in September's retail channel.

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  • ilhares - Tuesday, August 30, 2005 - link

    "Keep in mind that any of these configurations can use any R480 Pro, R430 Pro or R423 Pro chip"

    I'm not a whiz when it comes to remembering which core does what, but using one of three different chips at random? Wouldn't this card be better off as the "X800 Potluck" or perhaps "X800 Lotto Series"? My friend read this bit and said
    "GTO? What, like Great Teacher Onizuka?"
    "What do you mean?"
    "You know. Nigh indestructible, but of questionable virtue and utility."
  • ElFenix - Friday, August 26, 2005 - link

    x800 pro
    x800 xt
    x800 xt pe
    x800 xl
    x800 gt
    x800 gto

    i wonder if ATi's marketeers can even keep them all straight.

    maybe this means the RV5xx parts will be out sooner, as they have to sell all these old R4xx parts before they bring out the value R5xx series parts.
  • coldpower27 - Friday, August 26, 2005 - link

    Great just great ATI :S

    X850 XT PE
    X800 XT PE
    X850 XT
    X800 XT
    X800 XL
    X850 Pro
    X800 Pro
    X800 GTo 256MB
    X800 GTo 128MB
    X800 GT 256MB
    X800 GT 128MB
    X800 SE 256MB
    X800 SE 128MB

    This is a rough indicator I believe. Though the parts thin out somewhat if you compare PCI-E vs AGP. Though at leats Nvidia has 6 different SKU itself now for 6800 vs the 8 ATI has for X800 or 11 for X8x0. :)
  • ShadowVlican - Friday, August 26, 2005 - link

    don't forget the X850s hahahah
  • Jep4444 - Thursday, August 25, 2005 - link

    The 128MB varient is identical to the Radeon X800 vanilla
  • HardwareD00d - Friday, August 26, 2005 - link

    I prefer the X800 chocolate version
  • Hacp - Thursday, August 25, 2005 - link

    There are two products inbetween them already. THe x800PRO and the X800 regular. Both are 12 pipeline cards.
  • Backslider - Thursday, August 25, 2005 - link

    As much as I love my X800XL, this is sad. They just keep bastardizing the X800 line.
  • fishbits - Thursday, August 25, 2005 - link

    These should perform even better than the brand new Radeon 9600s ATI just released.
  • HardwareD00d - Thursday, August 25, 2005 - link


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