ASUS' dual Athlon motherboard:

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Here's ASUS' 760MPX-based dual Athlon board. It comes with a four-pin "Pentium 4 style" power connector. Thermal monitoring through the internal CPU diode is supported.

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This is the P4B533-E. Interesting detail: As with some previous ASUS P4 boards, this board does not require a power supply with ATX12V "P4 connector"; can get its additional power through a normal (hard drive/CD-ROM style) power supply connector. A different version called P4B-533 (without -E) with a slightly different layout and features is also available.

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Here's the P4T 533. Again, an ATX12V from the power supply is not required.

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This is ASUS' top-of-the line graphics card, based on the Geforce4 Ti 4600 running at 300MHz. It has 128MB DDR RAM (325 MHz), and features connectors for VGA, TV-ou, Video-In, DVD, and 3D glasses.

ASUS Gigabyte: A Strong ATI Supporter
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  • Dr AB - Monday, May 11, 2020 - link

    MSI & ASUS - Hmm looks like we are looking at the very start of an interesting era. And yes, Cooler Master. ;)

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