In Jail, with Friends

Our Prison demo features a level that was a part of an older Half Life 2 showcase a year or so ago.  In this indoor level, a group of spider-like-creatures help our player fend off a large group of soldiers as well as automated gun turrets. 

There is a lot of gunfire in this level which makes this indoor level more GPU bound than it would have otherwise been.  Since Gordon doesn’t have a flashlight at this point in the game, we didn’t use it during our recording of the demo.  Despite the lack of flashlight and the fact that it’s an indoor level, we found that this demo was decently GPU bound. 

There are no surprises in DX9 mode, the 9700 and 9600XT continue to be the top performers out of this roundup. The 9700 Pro and 9800 Pro are obviously the faster cards but they were also in a much different price class upon their release.


Half Life 2 AT_prison_05 Demo

Now on to DX8 performance:

Half Life 2 AT_prison_05 Demo

How about a walk on the beach? The Slowest Level in the Game
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  • vladik007 - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    cant wait for CPU benches. Again , great article , something i've come to expect here.

    Btw , when might u be releasing CPU benches ? I'm about to order my cpu/mobo upgrade this weekend so i can play with it over the Tgiving holiday , i'm thinking A643200+Abit 939 board. ( i've always ,since my 1st computer, owned Abit motherboard , so i'm not going to change ritual , too bad they dont make one with nforce3)
  • SMT - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    Um, I'll say it again...

    I'm pretty sure Gordon has a flashlight throughout Nova Prospekt.

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