Video Encoding

DivX 5.21 with AutoGK

Armed with the DivX 5.21 and AutoGK, we took all of the processors to task at encoding a chapter out of Pirates of the Caribbean. We set AutoGK to give us 75% quality of the original DVD rip and did not encode audio.

DivX 5.21

Dothan's DivX performance was dismal at best, and although Yonah's two cores improves things, it's still not enough to be competitive with the Athlon 64 X2.


Windows Media Encoder 9 HD

Our homebrew WME9 test is up next:

Windows Media Video Encoder 9

Much like the DivX test, we see that although Yonah has come a long way from Dothan, it is still not competitive with the likes of the Athlon 64 X2. It is a shame, as we were hoping for more out of Intel's FP/SSE enhancements.

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  • nserra - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - link

    Well he is assuming it will, if not.... another Intel fiasco. But then, I’m still impressed with the power consuming numbers.
    But how will it scale performance/power consuming? At 2.6Ghz 20%?
  • xsilver - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - link

    my guess is that its an asus and it will be ridiculously priced.

    it will also be funny how intel will sell this as the "fastest" processor in the world . blah blah blah.. even though it still cant beat the p4 in video encoding

    has it been reported that there will be wide desktop mobo support, unlike the pentium M series so far? more manufacturers need to get in on the action b4 even the possibility of it becoming cheap.
  • VooDooAddict - Thursday, December 1, 2005 - link

    First version of a next generation Intel CPU... Slower then the previous generation? NEVER!
  • nserra - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - link

    "Intel still needs to improve their video encoding and gaming performance, but it looks like we may have to wait for Conroe and Merom for that."

    Yes i will wait, the wait, wait. Wait for wait. You must wait for wait. Then wait will wait for wait. Then i will wait for wait.
  • Marlin1975 - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - link


    the pin-out has been changed once more, and of course Yonah won’t even physically fit into any current Pentium M motherboards. Instead, you’ll need a brand new motherboard with a brand new chipset.

    wow intel chaning the pin/board layout to force others to buy all new gear, who would have thought.
  • shabby - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - link

    Geez they moved one little pin just to spite us, friggin sad.
  • Shintai - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - link

    Yonah and Dothan is electrical incompatible.
    You only end up with either a fried chip or simply no ability to even run it.

    The new socket is however future proff. It will work with the Merom mobile chip aswell.
  • Nyati13 - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - link

    It's "rumoured" to be future proof, but Intel will probably change sockets between Yonah and Merom, like they always do.
  • nullpointerus - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - link do you know they didn't just move the pin to prevent people from frying the chip in older boards? In other words, does Yonah have a completely different use for the pins, or is it just a marketing scam?
  • Deathcharge - Wednesday, November 30, 2005 - link

    I think Intel has a lot of potential, this is a great mobile cpu and we've come a long way from the original P4 (which is what I am using to type this comment). I think this is really just a taste of things to come and if I was AMD I would be looking at what else I have to remain competitive. Sure what they have is far better than anything Intel TODAY but this time next year might be a completely different story.

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