
Thermaltake Spedo Specifications
Motherboard Form Factor ATX, Micro ATX
Drive Bays External 7x 5.25", 1x 3.5"
Internal 6x 3.5"
Cooling Front 1x 140mm intake
Rear 2x 120mm exhaust
Top 1x 230mm exhaust
Side 1x 230mm intake
Bottom 1x 120mm (Optional)
Expansion Slots 8
Front I/O Port 2x USB, 1x Audio, 1x Micro , 1x eSATA
Power Supply Size Standard ATX
Weight 8.66kg
Dimensions 610 x 232 x 536 (WxHxD in mm)

The initial impression on opening the case is that the interior is very roomy. There are several covers at the bottom; the first one covers the power supply and the second one above is the A.T.C.3. You can see a small green PCB at the bottom, which is another unique feature Thermaltake offers with the Spedo. This contact board has a counterpart on the side panel. When you close the panel, the two board connect to each other and enable the fan in the panel to run -- there's no need for additional cables or connections. If you install the PSU facing down with a 120mm fan, there is a filter to keep out the dust. Unfortunately the opening just beside this does not come with a filter. The other side reveals the C.R.M.3 that contains four table-like plastic parts connected to the back behind the motherboard. All cables going through the case can be stored under these parts.

System Installation

The installation of parts is easy and the first impression of a big interior space is confirmed, as there's ample room after installing a normal size ATX motherboard. Space beside and above the motherboard allows you to easily route cables and helps allow air to circulate and cool the various components. Even longer video cards will fit inside of this case with no conflicts on the right side. The hard drives install without tools since Thermaltake provides a handy tightening system in the hard drive frames.


Our only minor complaint is that after installing our standard test bed, we installed all of the plastic covers again and found that the cover above the power supply touches the third graphics cards in our triple-SLI setup. This prevents fresh air from reaching the card's intake fan, which will almost certainly cause problems. As you will see on the next page, the definitely impacts GPU cooling.

Index Performance and Closing Thoughts
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  • marc1000 - Monday, January 5, 2009 - link

    it looks to me that, by the fan sizes and position, this chassis will have negative air pressure (sum the 80mm or 120mm fan of the PSU).

    It would be great to see other chassis tested with positive air pressure, I have not read the full article yet (I'm on page 2) but could you guys consider testing it? I guess that by turning off the 2 120mm back exaust fans the air pressure on this case would be minimally positive, but a better way may exist.
  • marc1000 - Monday, January 5, 2009 - link

    read the last page. how about turning that 230mm top exaust in an INTAKE fan and leave all others untouched? also do not install the ATC3 and then do a quick check on the temperatures of the GPU's. it's only a suggestion, tough... :)
  • gungan3 - Monday, January 5, 2009 - link

    Those look like 8800 ultras to me :S
  • Christoph Katzer - Monday, January 5, 2009 - link

    Yes, changed it. Thanks.

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