Overclocking Results

Running at 230/545MHz, the StarForce 822's high clock speed did equate to high performance. In Serious Sam, the benefits of overclocking could not be realized until the resolution was cranked up to 1024x768x32, as at 640x480x32 performance did not increase at all (a trait we have noticed in every GeForce3 review).

At 1024x768x32, performance was able to go up 6% to provide 87.4 FPS average. Bumping up the resolution to 1600x1200x32 provided a larger performance gain of 18%. Speedy by all measures of the word.


Aquamark, due to its stressful nature, is able to gain quite a bit of performance when overclocked. At 640x480x32 the 230/545MHz StarForce 822 was able to perform 9% faster than the stock clocked card. 1024x768x32 was able to realize a 11% performance increase when overclocked. Finally, at 1600x1200x32, the overclocked StarForce 822 was able to go 14% faster.

DX8 Performance - Aquamark Conclusion
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