We talked to Enhance a few months ago with thoughts about where PSU technology is headed.  A unique thing about Enhance is that they are one of Intel’s closest development partners, so they always have a plethora of information on hand.  Enhance’s web site has a lot of whitepapers and good information to use when researching a power supply that good for you, even if its not produced by Enhance.

Click to Enlarge

The ENS-0246 comes with very few frills.  The cable is not shielded or sheathed, but does come in a variety of connectors.  Enhance is a very OEM oriented provider, so many of its power supplies have variations on the pin configuration (for different motherboards).  For example, the B version of this power supply has 24 pin ATX while the A and C version have 20 pin ATX cables. 


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combined theoretical

actual combined

advertised  total

Enhance ENS-0246 460W










The ENS-0246 460W power supply has a combined power rating of 220W.  The +12V rail is capable of another 180W which leaves this power supply well shy of the advertised 460W.  Our guess is that it is this supply is labeled by its peak power output rather than the actual. 

On the other hand, we do commend Enhance for keeping the combined rail very close to the theoretical limit of where it should be.  It’s unfortunate that the +12V rail was not a little bit higher, otherwise this would have been a very well rounded power supply.

For a 460W unit, the ENS-0246 is moderately priced around $85.  Unfortunately, this is not a 460W power supply, since 460W seems to be more of its peak rating.  More features or higher specifications might have given it the edge.

Sparkle FSP350-PN Antec TrueControl 550
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  • unclebud - Wednesday, February 2, 2005 - link

    i came in here today looking for just the same thing though!
    we needs a new ps article! thanks in advance anandtech!
  • JustAnAverageGuy - Sunday, January 30, 2005 - link


    It's an extremely old article. Nobody reads those except when they need to be pulled out of the vault.
  • Dopey - Wednesday, January 12, 2005 - link

    Sad to see no comments since 2003! ???
    Looking for a good power supply for AMD and review indicates that both Fortron & Zalman are good at not too high price. But looking at Antec True Power 330W I read "beware of the extremely modest +12V rail. If you are running a high end video card, or an Intel Pentium 4, this power supply simply will not produce enough juice." Both the Fortron &n Zalman deliver just 180 watts on the +12V rail while the Antec True Power 330W puts out 204 watts. And if you look at the whole list of PSUs reviewed 204 watts looks like a respecatable amount of power. So ... ????????????????????
  • MIDIman - Friday, November 7, 2003 - link

    I bought the Zalman 300w for $50 as a result of this article. Love it to death, but newegg stopped carrying it.

    1) What size fan is in the Fotron reviewed here, 120mm or 80mm?

    2) What is the model number of the 300w alternative to the Fortron FSP400-60PFN?

    3) Isn't the Sparkle FSP350-60PN reviewed here also a fotron, and what is the model number of its 300w alternative?
  • Anonymous User - Monday, October 27, 2003 - link

    You state for those PSU's that have good amoubt of voltage for the 3,3V are good for AMD.

    It will also be nice to say that most new motherboard from AMD are now using 12 RAIL e.g. 8RDA3+ many more and from what ive seen all K8 mobos use 12 RAIL

    all in all good review.

    What i have found with my TT320W that when you stress it too much and it heats up it will shit down whole system.

    Also if your PC is off for many hours if you touch the PSU its worm :S

    Ordered my Antec 550W True Control

    Also you should show how to short the old PSU so user can use 2 PSU in one system..

    I run my whole system on a 480W ProSourse untill my 550W Antec TC is here

    My GFFX5900 runs on a dedicated PSU 300W soon it will have a dedicated 480 ProSource :D

    And all my 12 fans run on a 300W generic PSU

    Also TT's seem not to like when to many devices are connected to it
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, October 14, 2003 - link

    To know how much the exhaust air will heat a room you have to know not only its temperature but also its volume. It would be simpler to measure the efficiency of the supply.

    The tests were not very thorough at all because if they were they would have included electrical noise and current measurements and testing at full power.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, September 13, 2003 - link

    The memory errors could be due to bad filtering more than cable shielding. Putting a 'scope on the outputs would would provide a graphic portrayal of output quality. <hint, hint> :-)

  • Anonymous User - Sunday, September 7, 2003 - link

    I enjoyed reading the article and I think it was very well written and the tests were very thorough. Although the article discusses "heat" and examines each power supply to see how well they deal with the heat issue, I think from a consumers point of view, you should have measured the difference in the temperature of the exhaust that is emitted from the power supply. For me that is a real issue as the heat that emits from my existing power supply probably raises the room temperature by 7 to 8 degress (to the point of making it uncomforable to stay in the room on a hot day). I want a power supply that doesn't blow out hot air. Which one of these blows the coolest air?
  • Anonymous User - Friday, August 22, 2003 - link

    As much care was taken in creating the title as in testing the power supplies.

    I hope to see another Anandtech power supply review soon, only one with proper testing. I have to give Anandtech an A for effort in this case, but I can't still give them a passing grade. Please consult with a specialist in this field for any future test.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, August 20, 2003 - link

    Is it just me or does the article title seems a little off? "2003 Power Supply Roundup Part II: Better Faster Cheaper" Faster? A faster P/S?

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