Turning on Anisotropic Filtering

For the most part Half Life 2 doesn’t absolutely beg for anisotropic filtering to be enabled, but there are definitely a few situations where image quality could be improved by turning it on. 

Looking at the peach colored metal platform towards the right of the images before you can see some of the benefits of anisotropic filtering in Half Life 2:

Aniso Disabled

8X Aniso Enabled - ATI


8X Aniso Enabled - NVIDIA

So there's definitely an improvement with 8X anisotropic filtering enabled but the difference in image quality between ATI and NVIDIA is tough to quantify. The two look quite similar in our opinion, with ATI getting the nod for slightly better image quality (the difference is quite subtle).

One issue we found in Half Life 2 with anisotropic filtering enabled is that the amount of resulting texture shimmering was borderline unbearable.  The shimmering was worse on NVIDIA cards than on ATI cards, but it was definitely present on both.  Part of the cause of the shimmering was the fact that all modern ATI and NVIDIA cards have resorted to a less ideal method of distance calculation for anisotropic filtering, which contributes to the shimmering issues we noticed under Half Life 2.  With the release of the GeForce 6 series, NVIDIA moved to a method of anisotropic filtering using a weighted manhattan distance calculation, similar to what ATI had been doing for quite a while.  The problem with the weighted manhattan distance calculation is that it is much more sensitive to the orientation of a surface in respect to the viewer, which can cause more of these shimmering issues. 

NVIDIA’s NV3x line used a Euclidean distance calculation that was less sensitive to surface orientation and thus reduced some of the shimmering issues we encountered under Half Life 2. 

There are some levels in Half Life 2 where enabling anisotropic filtering improves image quality, but then there are others where image quality is improved at the expense of increased texture shimmering.  Rest assured that the shimmer occurs on both ATI and NVIDIA cards and it seems that the only way to get around it (unless both ATI and NVIDIA choose to employ different methods of anisotropic filtering) is to leave it disabled if it bothers you enough. 

In terms of anisotropic filtering image quality, we just showed that we were hard pressed to find any image quality differences between ATI and NVIDIA’s solutions under Half Life 2.  In motion however, NVIDIA’s drivers did seem to cause more texture shimmering than ATI’s with anisotropic filtering enabled. 

Turning on Antialiasing Head to Head: ATI Radeon X800 XT vs. NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra
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  • Nuke Waste - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    Would it be possible for AT to update the timedemos to Source Enigne 7? Steam "graciously" updated my HL2 platform, and now none of my timedemos work!
  • The Internal - Friday, December 3, 2004 - link

    Which x700 XT card was used? How much RAM did it have?
  • VortigernRed - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    "Remember that we used the highest detail settings with the exception of anisotropic filtering and antialiasing, "

    That is not what you are showing on the SS on page 2. You are showing there that you have the water details set to "reflect world" not "reflect all".

    I would be interested to see how that affects the performance in your benchmarks with water in them, as some sites are showing larger wins for ATI and it seems possible that this setting may be the difference.

    It certainly looks much better in game with "reflect all" but does affect the performance.

    PS, sorry for the empty post above, trying to guess my username and password!
  • VortigernRed - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

  • Warder45 - Sunday, November 21, 2004 - link

    I'd like to know what you guys think about X0bit's and other reviews that have ATI way ahead in numbers do to turning on Reflect All and not just reflect world.


    Some SS.
  • Counterspeller - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    I forgot about my specs : P4 3.0 3HD 8, 16, 60Gb, MB P4P800-E Deluxe, Samtron 96BDF Screen.
  • Counterspeller - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    I don't understand... I have a GeForce 256 DDR, and the ONLY game that I have not been able to play is DOOM 3, only because it asks for 64Mb of VRAM, and I only have 32. I'd like to play HL2, but I don't have it. Perhaps it'll be like D3... not enough VRAM, and in that case, the 2nd game I can't play with that board. What I don't understand is this : how can anyone be complaining because x game or y game «only» gives us 200 fps... Can YOU see 200 fps ? we're happy with 24fps on TV, 25fps in the theaters, and we're bitchin' about some game that only gives us 56.7 fps instead of the «behold perfection» 67.5. I know there is a difference, and yes, we can see that difference, but is it useful, in terms of gameplay ? Will you be fragged because of a 1 or 2 or even 3 fps difference between you and your opponent ? Stupidity gets us fragged, not fps. I believe that anything below 30/40 fps is nice, but unplayable, when it comes to action games. I'm happy with 60. Anything above it is extra. I have played with this very board many demanding games, and I can say that yes, some parts are demanding on the board. But I never lost because of it. Resuming : I don't understand this war between ATI lovers and NVIDIA lovers. I've been using the same board for years, and I never needed to change it. Unless it crumbles, I'll stick with it.
  • Counterspeller - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    I don't understand... I have a GeForce 256 DDR, and the ONLY game that I have not been able to play is DOOM 3, only because it asks for 64Mb of VRAM, and I only have 32. I'd like to play HL2, but I don't have it. Perhaps it'll be like D3... not enough VRAM, and in that case, the 2nd game I can't play with that board. What I don't understand is this : how can anyone be complaining because x game or y game «only» gives us 200 fps... Can YOU see 200 fps ? we're happy with 24fps on TV, 25fps in the theaters, and we're bitchin' about some game that only gives us 56.7 fps instead of the «behold perfection» 67.5. I know there is a difference, and yes, we can see that difference, but is it useful, in terms of gameplay ? Will you be fragged because of a 1 or 2 or even 3 fps difference between you and your opponent ? Stupidity gets us fragged, not fps. I believe that anything below 30/40 fps is nice, but unplayable, when it comes to action games. I'm happy with 60. Anything above it is extra. I have played with this very board many demanding games, and I can say that yes, some parts are demanding on the board. But I never lost because of it. Resuming : I don't understand this war between ATI lovers and NVIDIA lovers. I've been using the same board for years, and I never needed to change it. Unless it crumbles, I'll stick with it.
  • TheRealSkywolf - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    I have a fx 5950, i have turned on the x9 path and things run great. 1st and all the graphics dont look much better, you see slight differences on the water and in some bumpmapping, but minor things.
    So i guess its time for Ati fans to shut up, both the fx and the 9800 cards run the game great.
    Man, doom3 showed all the wistles and bells, why wouldnt hl2? I think is very unprofessional from Valve to do what they did.
  • SLI - Friday, November 19, 2004 - link

    Umm, why was the Radeon P.E. not tested?

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