ATI All-in-Wonder 128

by Mike Andrawes on April 1, 1999 12:53 AM EST


It was not particularly surprising that the beta All-in-Wonder 128 card we received had a number of problems because it is after all beta hardware and software. Fortunately, ATI has vowed to fix at least he major ones by the release of final cards. These problems primarily consisted of driver instability, but all features were implemented and functioned as advertised. AnandTech will revisit this section upon receiving the final board and software.

The Future

ATI already has a 32MB version of the All-in-Wonder 128 that features more than increased RAM. The 32MB card will include ATI's upcoming Rage Theater chip that integrates the functions of the ImpacTV2 and Brooktree BT829 that are used on the 16MB version. The Rage Theater purportedly supports higher quality TV-out and video capture. DVD fans will be pleased to know that a SPDIF digital output will be added to support Dolby Digital AC-3 5.1 surround sound. An SPDIF upgrade will not be offered for the 16MB card because it relies on the Rage Theater chip. Of course, doubling the available RAM will help performance a bit as well, especially in large texture situations, and offer a few extra resolution/color depth options in 3D. Expect the 32MB All-in-Wonder 128 to be released in June 1999 and retail for $299.



The All-in-Wonder 128 is definitely the best multifunction card out there today. The variety of capture formats, including MPEG-2, is unmatched at this level. Real time MPEG compression on a card of this level was unheard of - until now - and will become a new standard that other manufacturers will have to shoot for. The built-in hardware DVD playback is also a major step forward and is not integrated on any other announced 2D/3D chipsets.

The only question that remains is whether ATI can deliver in a timely manner - remember, the Rage Fury was available for review back in December, but is just now (4 monthes later) showing up on retail shelves. ATI assures me that the All-in-Wonder 128 will be available shortly - the ETA is April - and if they come through, they certainly have a winner on their hands. The only question then will be whether to wait for the 32MB version.

ATI takes on Matrox
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