ASUS V6800/64 MB GeForce

by Matthew Witheiler on April 21, 2000 2:40 AM EST

Quake III Arena Performance- demo 001


As can be seen in the above graphs, performance of the V6800/64 is on par with the other 64 MB GeForce card reviewed, the SUMA Platinum 64 MB GeForce. This really is not too surprising, considering the fact that both cards use slightly different versions of NVIDIA's reference design. Sometimes we see speed differences when manufactures abandon the reference design and make their own layout, however this is not the case with the two 64 MB GeForce cards reviewed thus far. Also noteworthy is the fact that the 64 MB cards perform almost identically to the 32 MB DDR card tested. For an explanation of this, as well as an explanation of how to really test the speed of 64 MB GeForce cards, please see our 64 MB GeForce review.

Notice how the overclocked card essentially dominates all the other cards tested. When running with a core speed of 161 MHz and a memory speed of 367 MHz, the ASUS V6800/64 performs 32% better at 1600x1200x32. Although this resolution is still on the very extreme side, at the obtainable resolution of 1024x768x32, Quake III Arena performs 24% better when overclocked.

The Test Quake III Arena Performance- Quaver
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